Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Chocolate the best medicine

Antioxidants, found in certain vegetables, fruits, and other foods, can help to prevent heart disease, stroke, and cancer and to destroy free radicals in the body and to help slow the aging process. One popular high in antioxidants food is dark chocolate. In fact, cocoa beans are more antioxidant-rich than any other food! From the research natural cocoa powder contains the most beneficial antioxidants. Dark chocolate also contains high amounts because it is made with more cocoa than other chocolates.

Cacao beans also contain chemicals called flavonoids. These are antioxidants -- which not only protect chocolate from turning rancid, but can also protect the human body from disease and reduce some affects of aging. The most important flavonoids are called flavanols, which are also found in some fruits and teas -- but dark chocolate contains the greatest concentration. Dark chocolate or cocoa helps relax blood vessels (which lowers blood pressure), improves insulin sensitivity, and benefits the blood by lowering platelet reactivity and decreasing inflammation, as well as improving cholesterol profiles.

For example, the Kuna Indians live on islands off the coast of Panama. In their society the risk of cancer, heart attack, stroke, and diabetes--four of the five most prevalent killer diseases--is reduced to less than 10%! They drink cocoa, and lots of it--up to 40 cups of natural cocoa per week. One reason for this is that flavanols in chocolate are known to improve circulation by relaxing the walls of blood vessels and decreasing platelet activity.

Most doctors recommend that eating small amounts of dark chocolate on a regular basis may significantly increase cardiovascular health, there’s no reason not to enjoy a little of this favorite treat every day!

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