Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Batman The Dark Knight Returns

Product Description
If any comic has a claim to have truly reinvigorated the genre, then The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller--known also for his excellent Sin City series and his superb rendering of the blind superhero Daredevil--is probably the top contender.

Batman represented all that was wrong in comics and Miller set himself a tough task taking on the camp crusader and turning this laughable, innocuous children's cartoon character into a hero for our times. The great Alan Moore (V for Vendetta, Swamp Thing, the arguably peerless Watchmen) argued that only someone of Miller's stature could have done this.

Batman is a character known well beyond the confines of the comic world (as are his retinue) and so reinventing him, while keeping his limiting core essentials intact, was a huge task.Miller went far beyond the call of duty. The Dark Knight is a success on every level. Firstly it does keep the core elements of the Batman myth intact, with Robin, Alfred the butler, Commissioner Gordon, and the old roster of villains, present yet brilliantly subverted. Secondly the artwork is fantastic--detailed, sometimes claustrophobic, psychotic.

Lastly it's a great story: Gotham City is a hell on earth, street gangs roam but there are no heroes. Decay is ubiquitous. Where is a hero to save Gotham? It is 10 years since the last recorded sighting of the Batman. And things have got worse than ever. Bruce Wayne is close to being a broken man but something is keeping him sane: the need to see change and the belief that he can orchestrate some of that change. Batman is back.

Customer Reviews
This book has gotten me interested in comics again By Eric Campbell (Atlanta, GA)
Honestly haven't checked out a comic book since I was a kid. But, I got a sample of this on the Kindle an was intrigued enough to buy it (although I think the price is a little steep). But it was a great read. Not just action but though provoking with real insight into dark character issues. Now, I'm looking for more graphic novels with similar themes.

Miller Masterpiece By John D. Rayner
Pure and simple this is a classic piece of literature on every level. Miller has created a masterpieice with The Dark Knight Returns, it sits with Watchmen & V for Vendetta as the very best examples of comic book story telling. I could write pages on just how good this is,those who have read it would agree and for those who have not, then buy it immediately,saviour it,marvel in its brilliance & tell the rest of the world.

Absolutely Masterful By SSK13
This was a brilliant read and in my opinion the best piece of Batman media out there, including the Christopher Nolan movies. For anyone curious about superhero graphic novels - this is a must read!

Batman The Dark Knight Returns By Dan Gonzalez
This is one of those graphic novels that you must read if you're a fan of Batman and / or if you love comics. The Dark Knight Returns was a revolution in the comics industry and modern comics have an origin in this story.

Very Good By Matt
I enjoyed the read. Miller can be quite brilliant. Only thing I resented was that Superman was a government puppet. Other than that, very intense.

A must-read. By 2cool
An absolute classic must read, the storytelling is deep and pulls you in, the characters feel real, and the comic keeps you turning pages. Perfect length too. Beautiful art that reels in the eyes. Probably the most profound look of what it means to be The Dark Knight.

beutiful and classic graphic novel By Barbara
I was impressed when I got the book. The paper quality... It's the best I ever saw in a book, the pages shine in the light. The colors and letters are beautiful. It really impressed me. The graphic novel is a classic, reinvented the most existential superhero I ever saw. Frank Miller is ingenious. I really loved this edition.

The Dark Knight's Return to comics was a great one By A Kid's Review
The Dark Knight Returns is fantastic. It features 3 villains: Harvey Dent (no longer Two-Face due to treatment in Arkham Asylum), The Joker, and The Mutant Gang. The Mutant Gang is the driving force for the story and what brings Batman back from the dead. It also makes changes to two characters: the aforementioned healing of Two-Face, and Robin is now a preteen girl. I'm no going to go into the story too much, but three other DC characters show up: Superman, Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) and what appears to be Wonder Woman.

There is however a big disappointment for me: the art. The drawing is not quite up to par with other graphic novels released at the time, and for some reason the bat symbol in this book seemed a little fat. Some characters look good up close, like The Joker, but the drawing is mostly lacking in detail. I think that it would benefit from the Year One treatment: make an animated movie of it that has better animators than artists.

Amazing take on The Batman By lymanized
Batman is inside of every person: a man who just wants to end the violence, but is extremely flawed like all of us. Unlike the normal person, though, he actually takes the steps to make it happen. He is what we want to be.

Frank Miller's story is fantastic, weaving in everything you expect as it connects perfectly with the art, creating imagery that will leave anyone excited.

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