Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Product Description
SET is a card game of quick recognition and deduction. Each card contains one of three symbols (squiggles, diamonds, ovals) in varying numbers (up to three), colors (purple, green, red), and degrees of shading. A dealer arranges 12 cards, face up, and the players--without taking turns--hastily scrutinize the images for logical "sets" of three cards linked by combinations of sameness or difference.

It's not as complicated as it sounds: examples include a trio of paired ovals with increasing levels of shading between cards, or disparate symbols in different colors which increase in number on each card (card one has a green squiggle, card two a pair of purple ovals, card three a trio of diamonds). The trick is to keep calm while trying to make the rapid connections. The Darwinian nature of the game (remember: everyone plays simultaneously) is certain to cause some feistiness among more competitive players.

This award winning card game is for one or more players. It is recommended for ages six and above. The object of the game is to identify "sets" of three cards. Each card is unique in its four features; color - red, green or purple, symbol - diamond, squiggle or oval, shading - solid, striped or open, and number - 1, 2 or 3. A "set" consists of three cards on which each feature is either the same on all of the cards, or different on all of the cards. This game contains complete instructions for play, 81 cards, and a durable plastic carrying case.

Product Features
Easy to learn
Tons of replay value
Great family game, kids can compete with adults
A classic game
SET has become a classic game

Customer Reviews
Mind Games By Tanya Hall (San Diego, CA, US)
This game is fast, fun, and hurts your brain! Who knew pattern recognition could be so much fun? This game is family friendly, sure, but it goes especially well with a beer. And it's portable so it's a good bar game, too.

this is a true five star game By Redmond
I discovered this game at a dinner party many years ago, and have loved it ever since. If you want a game that you can play with any number of people, kids and adults, this is your game. it is fast, fun, and anyone can jump in at any time. It never repeats and so it is new every time.

Great brain builder By Affixer (Utah)
Not much to say that hasn't been stated, just wanted to add my 5 stars to the group. I've played this game for years and love it. It's fast paced, competitive, and requires no strategy or plan.

Great Game By scooter
This is a great game. It is addictive and educational. Good fun for the whole family. I highly recommend it.

Fun For All Ages By Deana Davis (USA)
I teach 6th grade and our school district uses this game in its math/science olympiad. I bought a set for home to play with my own kids. It is so fun! It keeps all of us thinking. It's fun to watch my kids' eyes dart back and forth as they try to find the patterns they need to complete a set. Great for language skills practice as well. Each time one of us finds a set we must verbally explain how it fits the requirements (number, shape, color, fill/shading.) I'm sure we will have hours of fun this Summer playing this game together.

Great game By Tushar
Great game to enhance the creativity of the children. Looks easy but very challenging. Even adults can play and enjoy the game. Enjoy it.

simply awesome By Pumpkin (San Francisco)
the best word to describe this game is "thrilling". fun, educational, and exciting! works great with 4 players, great mind game.

great mind game for young and old By Lucy11
Fun game that exercises your mind, spatial thought, and reaction time. We played with adults and with nine year olds. Everyone had an equal chance of success. Challenging, thought provoking, and enjoyable to play. Highly recommended as an adult game and as a game to play with your children and grandchildren.

Fun Fun Fun By penman
This game is addictive, I played it for the first time on a backpacking trip to Kentucky. The game-set is portable,and the game-play is simple. My 10 year old brother and I have played this game at restaurants, malls, parks, you name it. I play this game at least three times a week, and never get tired of it.

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