Monday, August 13, 2012

LEGO Mindstorms

Product Description
Take LEGO to the next level with MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0. Combining the versatility of the LEGO building system with a microcomputer brick and intuitive programming software, this building kit enables you to construct robots that see, speak, feel, and move.

Designed for ages 10 and up, the 2.0 robotics tool set features everything you need to create and program your first robot in approximately one hour. After that, you can create an endless lineup of robots that do what you want--if you can dream it, you can build it.

Product Features
The intelligent NXT Lego brick features 32-bit microprocessor, a large matrix display
Three interactive servo motors; four sensors(Ultrasonic Sensor, 2 Touch Sensors and the all-new Color Sensor)
Color Sensor has triple functionality: Distinguishes colors and light settings, and functions as a lamp
Easy-to-use software (PC and Mac) with icon-based drag-and-drop programming and 16 fun building and programming challenges
Batteries not included with this product
Building instructions for 4 new amazing robots
Four input and 3 output ports, and Bluetooth and USB communication link

Customer Reviews
Good family project By Fistoune
My 9 years old son had a robot project in class this year. Hé wa so thrill with this project that I decided to buy it for his birthday. He likes to build and program the robot. I found that it was a bouding experience with my son. I definitely recommend this product for it's educational value.

Excellent Introduction to Patience By J. Adams (SF Bay Area)
Mindstorms NXT 2.0 is a great toy! Packaging was perfect - the first thing we did was count every part and mark it off on the parts list. Nothing missing!! In fact we got one extra piece. The directions for assembling the robots were remarkably clear and detailed. Once in a while I wish the camera angle was a little different, but (to see more detail in a particular place) this did not stop us from successfully building all four designs.

Mindstorms By sciteacher12
I am very pleased with this product. I have a class of 8th graders (13-14 year olds) who work with both the original Lego Robotics RCX and the NXT and the kids absolutely love it! I cover concepts like velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum with the robots. This is a great hands-on opportunity for kids of all abilities. I highly recommend this product!

good investment By momathome
I purchased this kit for my son who was taking an online Robotics class. It was absolutely amazing what he could do with this kit. Legos have come a long way in this technological age. My son is 15. When I first saw the price tag for this Lego kit I had to recover from shock but I was thinking typical Legos. This has been a good investment for an engineering type mind. I would recommend enrolling a student in a class where the Mindstorm would be the focal point. To just play with...not sure how that would work.

Amazing purchase for smart kids By Julia L Cantarovici (Boulder, CO, US)
My son came home from school exuberant that he needed to buy the Lego Mindstorms. A girl at his school had brought one in for her class project. Of course I said "okay" until I saw the price. Ouch! Collectively my son, my older son, my husband and I all contributed to the purchase. My son counted the days until it arrived. He put it together the first day it arrived. He has since reworked it into several different mechanical gadgets.

He LOVES it and it is very educational and he doesn't even realize it. My son is 10 and very patient when it comes to these types of "toys" (I have a hard time calling it a "toy"). It definitely takes a kid that has patience. It can take hours to put together and can be very frustrating. It's challenging. My son is 10 years old and it's very age appropriate for him. I highly recommend it, especially if you have a child who loves to watch shows on the Discovery Channel, such as How It's Made!

Learning for adults, fun for kids By Nitin Singh
I was excited with Lego Mindstorms a long back time when a manager bought it for his son. I like playing with toys myself and this presented a piece which can provide both fun and learning.

While building the sample kits, my mind waved upon the equivalent human parts functioning which gets simulated in a robot. By connecting various pieces, it presented a perspective of how big machines are built using tiny parts and appreciate the role each plays in the whole mechanics.

It challenges the mind to make interesting uses of various sensors and motors, while adhering to various limitations of mechanics. Simultaneously it makes us thankful to the best designed machine in the universe, our own body.

A great toy By PonSri
This is a great edutainment toy. My children enjoy its very much. They spend their attention to what they are playing, it's kool. It is a great toy for every family.

Great buy! By lalo144
Amazing product that allows hundreds of projects. Never ending fun for one or pleasure to be shared in groups. For kids over 10 as well as for adults.

Thumbs Up for Mindstorm By Marisa Y. Smith
I bought Lego Mindstorm for my son's 10th birthday a few months ago. He loves it. I love it. He has had a blast building the different robots and programming them to talk, walk and move in all kinds of ways. He has needed some support from older brother or dad with the programming specifics from time to time.

Ten year old says this about Mindstorm: Mindstorm is a great set. I have had a lot of fun with it because you can program it to do just about anything. I can program it myself to do simple things like walk and talk, but you may need an adults help to program complicated things, such as to tell color and to see. If it doesn't do what you want, it is because you did not program it right. What is so good about being able to make it into other robots is that whenever you get sick of one, there is always another one to build that you are not sick of.

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