Friday, October 5, 2012

Jurassic Park [Kindle Edition]

Product Description
An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now humankind’s most thrilling fantasies have come true. Creatures extinct for eons roam Jurassic Park with their awesome presence and profound mystery, and all the world can visit them—for a price.

Customer Reviews
A good read By CUTTER
It is very hard to take up the novel without thinking about the movie since it was so masterfully done. And the novel is not that far removed from the movie. So one would wonder if it is worth the time just to pick it up. The answer is : yes it is worth the read. Because it is just different enough to warrant the time (for one thing there are actually villains in the novel !). And, since it's an adventure novel, the "prose" of Michael Crichton being very effective and dynamic, it doesn't take that much time anyway. It is fun to read and one cannot help but wonder how the scenes, that were NOT included in the movie, would have turned out. All in all, a good entertaining moment.

Great Read By KG3
Great book to get into. Although I saw the movie numerous times the book blows it out of the water. There are complete aspects of the book the movie left out.

Loved it By MeInSeattle
Happy to have read this again. One of the best books I have read. A great book for anyone who enjoys adventure.

Detailed. Exciting. Thrilling. By Maria Camp
This story is detailed and compelling. It is a tale of science being taken too far, a cautionary tale, to be sure. A good read.

Jurassic Park By chris
My personal favorite of Crichtons work. Jurassic Park has captured the eyes and imagination of people from around the world. The perfect blend of entertainment, information, fear, suspense, and everything in between. One of the greatest Sci Fi novels of our time.

Awesome By Andrew LeGlue
This book was amazingly good. I first read it as a Freshman in high school and I couldn't get into it at all. Four years later, I tried it as my first book to read on my Kindle Touch. All I have to say is it's good. Has a good variety of science topics. All in all, give it a try. You won't be disappointed in this book.

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