Monday, March 4, 2013

Men Rogaine Hair Regrowth Treatment

Product Description
Men's Rogaine Extra Strength 5% Minoxidil Topical Foam Hair Regrowth Treatment is easy to use--and best of all, it works. Make ROGAINE Foam part of your everyday regimen and feel proud of your hair again. ROGAINE Foam goes on easily and dries quickly. In clinical testing, it regrew hair in 85% of men after four months when used twice daily.

Product Features
* Extra strength
* 3 month supply
* Easy to use foam
* #1 dermotologist recommended

Safety Warning
Read all warnings before use.


To open: Grasp top closure, twist and pull. Apply half a capful 2 times a day to the scalp in the hair loss area. See enclosed booklet for complete directions on how to use. Using more or more often will not improve results. Continued use is necessary to increase and keep your hair regrowth, or hair loss will begin again.

Customer Reviews
Works for me By Yardgnome
I figured I would try this stuff and see if it actually did fill in the balding spot on the top of my head, and it did. The only thing about it is that you have to continually use it or you'll lose it.

THIS STUFF IS AMAZING By Jeep Grand Cherokee
I am a real person giving you a real review. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING! 3 months and I see a HUGE difference in the thickness of my hair. I actually took pictures to see. Just checked the other day and I can say I am a VERY happy customer. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THIS HAIR lol

It can really grow the hair By Janey
My mom has front up baldness, I bought for her many times. It really works for her. Some weak and thin hair grow up from her scalp, and the hair dies easily,but better than nothing. It took about 4 months to disappear the baldness. And then she was satisfied and stop using for more than a year. Now the baldness started again, she tried to use again, but it didn't work out. She then went to see the doctor, the doctor gave her a medicine shampoo. She needs to wash everyday by the medicine shampoo, massage, and then apply Rogaine.

Now it grows up again. The doctor said this week would be only wash twice a day. This product really works, just you need to have patience and have expectation that you need to use for a lifetime.

Woman using men's rogaine - it works By Brenda Starr (Brooklyn, NY)
I am a 44 year old woman who has been experiencing slightly thinning hair since age 39. I went to the dermatologist and had blood work done for my thyroid, hormones, and later a scalp biopsy. The blood work was normal. The diagnosis from the biopsy was androgenic alopecia or what my dermatologist said was hair shedding due to the hormonal changes that come with age. If you google this you'll get a lot of information, much of it contradictory and negative. I should state, my shedding was not visible to anyone but me, but it was an increased thinning. I'd wash and blow dry my hair, look down to the floor and the tears would start flowing.

The dermatologist prescribed men's Rogaine foam, applied once a day at night before bed. At two months I experienced a slightly increased shed which admittedly freaked me out! After some research, I found this is normal and decided to stick with it. Now, at four months, the shedding has decreased substantially. From what I understand, the product can take up to 6-12 months to show hair reversal, ie. new growth.

So far so good By Justable
I was pretty worried about buying this but am glad I did! Its been a little over a month and already some of my friends have noticed my hair returning. What I like about this is that it is very easy to use. The directions say that this will not work on the front of your head for receding hairline, however, that is where I am using it and it is working. The only tip I would give is to make sure you store it in a cool place or the foam dissipates quickly from your hand. Furthermore, the directions indicate to wash your hand in cold water first which helps keep the foam from melting.

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